Bed Bug Cleaning in the Workplace
Many times, when you hear of someone having bed bugs, you know that cleaning and pest control treatments may be needed at their home. But what happens when bed bugs are found in the workplace? Are the pest control procedures the same? Are the bed bug cleaning procedures similar to cleaning homes? Here are some things to consider when bed bugs are discovered in the workplace.

Bed bugs can be tough to get rid of, especially if they aren’t treated quickly. Fortunately, there are best practices to quickly address bed bugs if you find them in the workplace. First, contact an exterminator immediately. Schedule a chemical treatment as soon as one is available, even if it is after the close of business or on weekends. Many exterminating companies will accommodate your schedule, but treatments are not cheap. After scheduling your exterminator, contact your commercial cleaning company or janitorial service and request a bed bug cleaning before the pest control company arrives. However, most office cleaning companies are not equipped or properly educated to complete bed bug checklists issued by the exterminator, so you may need to located biohazard remediation companies. Bio companies normally have emergency response, but it isn’t inexpensive.
When the commercial cleaning company or biohazard remediation company arrives, give them copy of the bed bug cleaning checklist provided by the pest control company. This list should include removing garbage and clutter, moving items at least 12″ away from the walls, removing the switch plate covers, HEPA vacuuming the walls, baseboards, inside the holes behind the switch plate covers, corners, crevices, flooring, and along the walls. Immediately remove the vacuum cleaner from the building when the vacuuming is complete. Leave the switchplate covers off so the pest control company can spray inside.
When the pest control company arrives, if they are using a chemical treatment and the cleaning company completed the checklist, they should be able to begin work. If a heat treatment is being completed and the heat treatment checklist is complete, the heat treatment can begin. After the pest control company completes their treatments, schedule the cleaning company for a follow-up cleaning visit to repeat the cleaning process, place the items back against the wall, and replace the switch plate covers. This process can be used for offices, medical buildings, professional settings, event venues, churches, schools, daycares, and most places of business.
For more information on contacting advanced biohazard remediation companies that perform bed bug cleaning in the workplace, visit ABRA at For additional information on advanced biohazard remediation companies that perform bed bug cleaning at work in Columbia, SC, visit