Senior Move Managers
The first concern most families have when helping a senior relative downsize is the inherent financial burden it will be on their relatives. Senior Move Managers (SMM) /senior-move-manager-sc-nc-ga almost always charges clients on some form of sliding scale, with each job carrying its own unique bottom line. The way in which the price is presented in the quote, however, varies from a detailed breakdown of every charge associated with the offered contract price (including an hourly rate for their employee’s time factored in varying from $60-$100 per hour per employee), to a flat price for the total cost of the job with no breakdown. Once all is said and done most seniors can expect a total cost ranging from $1,000 for smaller homes with less services required, to $7,500+ for larger homes with an abundance of services needed.
The factors considered by the SMM when determining a total cost for the estimate vary wildly and include square footage of the current and new home, cost of moving boxes and supplies, time spent by employees removing clutter and donations from the home, time spent by the SMM coordinating 3rd parties and completing other pre-move necessities, and some, but not all, SMMs charge a commission on all items of value sold.

Any well-seasoned SMM can accurately estimate the amount of trash that will need to be disposed of from the home, along with the corresponding method of disposal and it’s related costs; if the proper landfills or onsite removal services are not contacted in advance, unforeseen dumping costs and other various pitfalls can lead to an inaccurate estimate. Senior Move Managers should follow the same protocol when estimating the time to be spent dealing with donations and the items of value to be sold. Once the hourly rates have been estimated, all other miscellaneous services requested by the client are added in as either flat line items for services such as paying for a dumpster or percentage based commissions for the successful sale of items. Most moving supplies purchased by the SMM for the move will be marked up slightly, generally from 10% to 20%. Once these factors have been considered the client is presented with the estimated cost and a contract to sign if they are happy with the terms.
You should never be afraid to ask a Senior Move Manager that you are working with, “What if we have a very tight budget and can only afford parts of the full process?” The beauty of Senior Move Managers is that they are always willing and able to tailor your moving process to your financial situation, while still giving you the most bang for your buck. In fact, many seniors decide that they would rather downsize within their current homes, which in most cases is far less costly and time consuming because only the first phase of the typical move is required. By removing unnecessary items, SMMs can make the home safe and livable for years to come without breaking the client’s bank.
For more information on Senior Move Managers throughout the United State, visit National Association of Senior Move Managers at For additional information on Senior Move Managers in Columbia, South Carolina, visit