Learn how you can help a sheltered dog

How To Help Shelter Dogs

Professional cleaning services by Palmetto Commercial Services

Why We Help With Sheltered Dogs

Among the items of the most importance are items that can help animal shelters and the dogs and cats that they house.  Animal shelters are generally under funded and short staffed.  The staff that are working generally see horrible conditions that some animals endure before arriving at the shelter.  Some of the animals are considered “less adoptable” for a multitude of reasons, including age, breed (pitbull), physical condition, negative interaction with other animals or humans, overall health, temperment and length of time in the shelter, among other factors.

Less Adoptable

I have cleaned out hundreds of homes.  Foreclosed homes, occupied homes, hoarded homes, living estates, estate cleanouts, evictions, etc.  Over the years, I’ve acquired skills that help me find solutions to the things we find in homes.  Many thrift stores accept donations.  However, some thrift stores will not send a truck to pick up the donations.  Some stores will accept items, but not at the time you take them, as they may be over run with donations (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic).

Wish Lists

Donations to these shelters are in high demand in many shelters.  Many animal shelters will have a list of items they require, including blankets and sheets (when transporting animals, they may have “accidents”), liquid laundry detergent, bleach, Dawn dish washing detergent, water hoses (75-100 feet), water hose spray nozzles, canned cat/dog food (for babies and seniors), hard kitten/puppy food (for fosters), paper towels, hand soap and sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, floor cleaners (not pine), Windex and other cleaning supplies, mild scented candles (ie. vanilla), leashes and collars, clean newspaper, trash bags (medium-large), stuffed animals (not bean filled), dog toys (KONG, Nylabone, etc) and cat toys.

Other Ways To Help

You may not be in a position to adopt a shelter dog (most of us aren’t).  However, many shelters will allow you to visit the animals and walk the dogs.  I recently visited Columbia Animal Services in Columbia, South Carolina and was allowed to walk a couple of the dogs that were there the longest.  These dogs were elated at the chance to get out of their kennels!  Dolly Mama, the pitbull mix featured in the pictures in this blog and the “spokesdog” for More Time For Dogs, was a shelter dog at Columbia Animal Services in June 2022.  I was able to foster her until she was available for adoption.  Simply taking her out of the shelter allowed another dog to occupy her space, which saved a dog’s life.  Many dog shelters have access to carriers, crates and other accessories to assist it’s foster families until adoptions can be made.  But, simply showing up and walking a dog will make that dog’s day and help you to realize the power you have to make their lives better.

For more information on donations, follow our Blog page.