How To Kill The Flu Virus

Each year, different strains of the flu virus spread throughout the country.  Flu shots can be effective against the correct strain of the flu, but many times, the shot can be ineffective.  If you are in an area that has been exposed to someone with the flu, here are some steps you can take to stop the spread of and how to kill the flu virus.  

how to kill the flu virus

1.  Use a virucide with kill claims for the flu

A virucide is an agent that will destroy a virus, as opposed to inhibiting its growth.  Viruses generally cannot live outside of a host for long before they are destroyed.  However, in areas where the flu virus is present, such as medical offices, hospitals, schools, work environments, etc, it is possible for the flu virus to survive and acquire a new host.  Properly using a virucide will prevent the spread of the flu and ultimately kill the virus.  Each virucide has a different dwell time, or the time it takes for the agent to work properly.  Check the label to see if the virucide you are using will show you how to kill the flu virus.  The label should also list the time it takes to work properly.  For example, if the label states that the chemical is effective on Flu A and the dwell time is 10 minutes, then the product must be applied and left wet for 10 minutes to properly kill the flu.  However, the dwell times are tested in labs under ideal conditions, so leaving the surface wet longer than the dwell time is a good option.  After waiting the appropriate dwell time, use a microfiber rag to dry the affected areas, or you can let the virucide dry completely.  If you choose to let it dry, there may be a slight film that you should clean up.

2.  Wear an N-95 disposable mask

Many times, people wear surgical masks to prevent the spread of the flu virus.  However, the flu can escape the surgical mask and continue to spread throughout a home or office.  When feasible, you should wear an N-95 disposable mask.  This mask will give you much more protection and will prohibit smaller aerosol particulates from being inhaled.  The masks will not show you how to kill the flu virus, but will stop it before it can infect you.

3.  Use Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizers are great ways on how to kill the flu virus if used properly and often.  Apply the hand sanitizer and continue to lather it in your hands until it is dry.  Keep in mind, it is very important to clean the pump on the bottle of the hand sanitizer.  The virus can live on a surface for hours after the initial contact, so using the hand sanitizer bottle could conceivably aid the spread of the flu.  Virus decontamination is possible, and likely, when following these simple instructions.  For information on decontamination services and how to kill the flu virus throughout the United States, visit ABRA at  For information on how to kill the flu virus in and around Columbia, SC, visit

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