Estate Cleanout Services in SC

Deep cleaning services for estate cleanouts

100+ Properties With Estate Related Issues.

Palmetto Commercial Services offers Estate Cleanout Services throughout the state of South Carolina and parts of North Carolina and Georgia. Many times, families are not able to easily arrange for an estate to be cleaned up and the tasks included can be daunting and time consuming. It can be difficult in finding a place to start. Let us help!

We have assisted over 100 families dealing with estate issues and probate and have completed a wide variety of services for them. We can handle everything for you. What should you do with personal paperwork? What should you do with paperwork that has account numbers on it that are no longer needed? What about family photos?  If the property has tires, paint, batteries, abandoned vehicles, or electronics on it, where can you dispose of them? How can you recycle oil or gasoline?  What do you do with the trash? How can you sell the valuables? How do you handle donations for animal shelters?  How can you ship items to family members in other states? Call us and we can handle all of these items for you. All of our onsite bids are completely free! (803) 479-0812.

PCS will travel anywhere in South Carolina

Our Estate Cleanout Services Include:

Attic, Basement, and Garage Cleanout
Yard Cleanup Services
Planning and Organizing
Inventory of furniture and valuables
Packing and boxing contents of home
Removing remaining unwanted items from the estate, including trash and debris
Cleaning and Disinfecting Feces and Urine
Preparing the home for sale
Arranging items to be shredded
Arranging items to be shipped to family members
Arranging items to be stored
Arranging items to be donated
Assistance in locating estate sale or auction companies
Assistance in locating a qualified real estate agent
White Glove Sales Cleaning Services